50th Anniversary

50th Anniversary

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Vampires and Returning From the Dead

As Lucy Coe sits in lockup after her bizarre attack on John McBain, Sam doesn't leave John's bedside except to go see Todd.

Todd doesn't admit wrongdoing to Sam but she overhears his conversation with Diane about having the DNA test.

AJ fills Carly in on their night spent together and then returns home to a worried Monica. After hearing about Lucy's psychotic break, AJ has renewed hope in getting ELQ back.

Anna goes to see John who fills her in on what has happened while she was gone. Anna shares her feelings about Duke.

Alexis calls Kevin to try and get his help with Lucy.

Felicia goes to see Lucy but finds her friend very delusional.

Sabrina tries to back out of putting on the Nurses' ball but Felix convinces her that she cannot quit.

Felix goes to see Carly about using the Metro Court for the ball.

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