50th Anniversary

50th Anniversary

Monday, May 20, 2013


Leslie saves the day by marrying Scott and Laura after the justice of the peace cancels.

As Laura is marrying Scott, Luke tries to rekindle his romance with Tracy.

Tracy refuses to accept what Luke has to offer her and shocks him by saying that she is holding out for true love and romance.

Morgan reluctantly returns to town.

Sam fills in Spinelli about the strange Dr. Clay she met in the city.

Spinelli fills her in on his failure to find Lauren Frank.

Ava returns home and Kiki fills her in on all the drama with Morgan.

Ava thinks about the secret she knows about her daughter.

A mysterious stranger goes to see Heather and asks for her help with Sam.

Lulu leaves the wedding confused about memories. She goes to the Haunted Star where she is surprised by the same stranger who visited Heather.