50th Anniversary

50th Anniversary

Friday, March 16, 2012

Jason Learns the Truth

Robin's funeral continued today as family and friends remembered how she touched their lives. Luke read a letter from Robert who was off chasing after Ethan who he believes is in trouble and his son. Sonny spoke about how he and Robin met and learned how to accept and love each other and then he left with Kate.

The remembrances of Robin were intertwined with footage of Robin from the time she was a little girl. As a long-time fan it was nice to look back at familiar characters and remember the storylines the character had been through. Robin was an amazingly open person who wasn't quick to judge anyone.

Sonny pressed Kate to tell him why she texted him. Kate couldn't remember doing that and recalled the conversation she had with Ewen about her blackouts. Kate admitted to Sonny that Ewen is a psychiatrist that she is seeing in Port Charles. Sonny continued to press Kate about why she needs help. It seems that Kate is getting close to breaking. What will Sonny do when he sees Connie emerge?

Maxie burst into Robin's funeral and started to speak about how selfish she was and confessed to killing Robin.

Sam frantically tried to keep Carly from seeing Jason but while she was off trying to stop Carly from busting into Jason's room, Carly was finally successful in doing so.

Jason knew Carly was keeping something and after much back and forth where Carly tried to accuse Sam of keeping her from him, Carly blurted out that Robin was dead.

Sam ran into Ewen who tried to make her see that perhaps her protectiveness of Jason is actually control/jealousy. Sam tried to explain that she was fearful that Jason would die. Ewen tried to get Sam to see that the danger may have passed and Sam needs to back off on being so overprotective.

Next week watch for repercussions of Sam's lie and Carly's refusal to respect Sam's wishes. How will Jason see Sam after he learns the truth about Robin?

Kate is headed for a total breakdown. She cannot contain Connie much longer.

Maxie's admission may seem like grief to many but will she reveal what she did to cause the accident?

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