50th Anniversary

50th Anniversary

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

SPOILER- Fluke's Identity Revealed- FINALLY!!!

Nina tries to talk Franco into keeping Ava's baby.

Anna talks to the press about the search for Ava and her baby's kidnapping.

Silus confronts Ava about her crime.

Lucy is surprised that Duke has been released and didn't notify her.

Luke is angered to find out that someone is possibly still masquerading as him.

Julian is stopped by "Fluke".

Nikolas demands the truth from Britt.

Ava admits killing Connie and then Silus tries to reach Anna.

Franco tells Nina about his past attempt at fatherhood when he kidnapped Elizabeth's baby.

Nina tries to convince Franco that keeping the baby is perfect payback to Ava.

Ava tries to bargain with Silus to not turn her in.

Duke tells Lucy that he is taking over Sonny's business.

Ned is in disbelief that his father is involved and asks Alexis why she is defending Julian.

"Fluke" is about to tell Julian who he really is and Anna and Dante bust in, guns ready to take him down.

Luke shows a new interest in his family.

Spencer interrupts Nikolas' conversation with Britt and her mother and causes Britt to fess up and confess.

Silus gives in and agrees to help Ava find her baby.

Franco agrees with Nina's plan to raise the baby with her.

Lucy tries to talk Duke out of his new job.

Tracy tells Luke she feels guilty for being fooled by the fake Luke and tells him how sorry she is.

Luke tells Tracy it is over and tells her that whomever stole his life had studied him.

After Dante handcuffs Fluke, Anna removes his mask to reveal FAISON!

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