What a week it was on General Hospital!
The mystery patient's bandages were removed and we got our first glimpse of Jason Morgan. Unfortunately, Helena Cassadine is keeping tabs on his condition and as long as Jason doesn't remember who he is and no one recognizes him he is safe.
Elizabeth has been tending to him and although she feels a certain connection, she cannot figure out why.
Franco is making plans for revenge against Carly and Sonny and goes to see his mother Heather to tell her that she was right about Carly all along.
Carly tries to convince her mother Bobbie to leave her all and respect her choice to marry Franco.
Sonny and Shawn conspire to get rid of Franco and pin it on someone else.
The truth about Nina is beginning to emerge with Britt recognizing that she needs psychiatric help.
Madeline tells Nathan that Nina is unbalanced and potentially dangerous but he doesn't believe it til he runs into Silus who has just been attacked by her.
Thanks to the medication Sabrina provided, Ava experiences labor pains. Afraid for her safety she gets Kiki to bring Silus to her for help.
Michael wants to start a clinic in A.J.'s memory and when he asks Sabrina to volunteer they wind up discussing his father's murder and she tells him that Carlos was not responsible.
Sam, Patrick and Tracy are led to believe that Jerry Jacks is the mystery boss when in all truth, Helena Cassadine is behind it all. We still do not really have an answer about who is masquerading as Luke Spencer while he is drugged and locked up in the mental hospital.
Britt is welcomed back into Nikolas and Spencer's home but has nightmares about Nik learning that she was behind Spencer's disappearance.
Sabrina feels guilty about her switching Ava's meds and confesses to Felix that she needs to make it right even if it means she loses her career and her freedom.
Carly continues to prepare to marry Franco on Halloween while the groom-to-be prepares to give Carly the wedding no one will forget.
The truth about Sonny and Ava will change many lives and expect this to happen by the end of the month.
Jason continues to get better and has flashes of memories.
Nina devises a plan for Madeline to make things up to her.
Nathan doesn't know who to trust.