50th Anniversary

50th Anniversary

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Norman Bates' Mother?

Julian, Sonny, Franco and Ava escaped in the prison van and Ava and Franco argued back and forth about his wanting to go save Nina from Heather.

Meanwhile Julian tried to call Lucas to warn him about Fluke and found out he is on the Haunted Star (along with half of the town).

Nathan goes to the Haunted Star to arrest Jake and which surprises Michael, Lulu and Maxie.

Helena assures Fluke that her "soldier" Jake has planted the bomb on board.

Fluke goes to the party and leaves Helena on the dock.

Helena runs into Nikolas and his date Ivy on the dock and has Ivy go on ahead.

After Helena cannot talk Nikolas out of skipping the party she has her goons take him away.

Dante finally regains consciousness in the basement of the Elm Street house and makes his way over to Luke who is tied up in a chair.

Julian loses control of the van and it crashes.

Sam and Patrick are at the station when Nathan returns with Jake and Carly fills them in and apologizes to Sam.

Sam manages to see Jake alone hoping to get answers.

"Luke" tied up in the basement turns out to be a corpse in an orange jumpsuit.

Okay GH fans. It has taken this fan more than 24 hours to recover from that "Psycho" moment at the end of Friday's episode. I've searched message boards and spoilers and this is my theory.

Luke is being controlled by Helena. This woman who just won't die has powerful mind control techniques that she is using not just on poor Jason but also on her nemesis Luke Spencer. WHY???? I have no clue. Why does Helena want or need ELQ?? It makes no sense to me. Why would Helena care about bringing Sonny down? Again, I have nothing.

What does make a wee bit of sense to me is that the person masquerading as Luke is actually Luke and Bobbie's forgotten sister (yes sister) who has become Luke by means of surgery in order to seek revenge on them. Again another theory floating around and my son who is transgender has a huge issue with this. FTM is possible but how did he sleep with Tracy and she didn't notice anything different???

It is a bit obvious to have Fluke be Bill Eckert and after that Norman Bates' mother scene in the basement, I find it to be just another twist in this neverending story. If it is not Patricia as Luke, why was her name even brought up?

The prison escape has been a source of entertainment. I'd gladly do a crime in Port Charles and be sent to Pentonville. Look how easy it was for 3 mobsters and a serial killer to escape! Too funny. We know that somehow Sonny will make it to the Haunted Star and save the day or at least Michael.

February sweeps have begun and again fans are hoping for an end to the Fluke story and the return (for real) of Jason. Stay tuned!