Leisel goes to spend the holiday with her children but is worried about Faison.
Faison spies on those gathered at Windemere.
Helena is pleased to find that Jason is unaware of who he really is.
Sam brings Danny to see Michael and Monica and offers Michael her support.
Carly visits Sonny and tells him about Michael's name change.
Duke goes to see Anna and they discuss their lies.
Anna refuses to accept having a relationship with Duke and tells him it is over regardless of what she and Robert did.
Helena warns Faison that he cannot afford to be seen by Dr. Obrecht or his daughter.
Alexis rescues Luke with Julian's help.
Those gathered at the Quartermaine's are surprised by the return of Luke.
Elizabeth hosts Thanksgiving dinner for Patrick, Sam and Jake.
Leisel is surprised by Faison.
Coming NEXT week:
Is it really Luke who has returned? Helena and Faison follow through on their plan. Duke steps into his new role as head of the crime family. Franco makes a decision regarding Ava's baby. Will Jake remember who he is or will someone else recognize him?