So fans. Our first week of #GHFanFeb is over and it was revealed that Luke was Luke much to the shock of Lulu and Tracy. What do you all think of this latest development?
After all the long, excruciating months of masks and distractions, Luke was amused that his identity was there all along but no one bothered to see it.
What happened to the Luke Spencer we all came to love? THIS is not Luke Spencer. Are we supposed to believe that the evil Helena Cassadine has again used mind control? And honestly, for what???
After Luke got through the plutonium poisoning that Helena inflicted upon him and Helena was NOT dead after all- If I remember correctly that would mean that Robin Scorpio-Drake brought Helena (and Stavros) back to life - so Helena in some sort of revengeful move then used mind control on Luke?
Is Robin ever coming back or is she still being held hostage in France?
What happens now? The prints of the person currently being held in the PCPD jail match Luke Spencer and the remains found in the Elm Street basement are most likely Bill Eckert. Faison is free thanks to Helena and Jerry Jax is m.i.a. Everyone will soon be finding out that Luke is Luke and controlled by Helena or not he will still have to pay for his crimes.
The writers dragged this story out for way too long and now we still await Jake fully remembering who he is.
UGH!!! Enough.
Maybe this week of GHFanFeb will actually be a more satisfying one for fans!
What did you think of all of this?