Sam and Patrick find each other after she is sidetracked by Danny's fascination with the mystery patient.
Elizabeth feels compelled to stay at the mystery patient's bedside and gets good news that he is waking up.
Patrick tells Sabrina about the suspicions about Luke and is surprised by her reaction.
Dante tells Lulu that he will not be going to Amsterdam and instead will be staying home with his family.
Carly and Sonny insist that Michael go to the island while they try to figure out who was behind the attempt on his life.
Kiki and Morgan discuss the secrets they are keeping from Michael.
Michael arrives to take Kiki to the island with him.
Many in Port Charles are getting closer to finding about the truth about Fluke. Meanwhile formerly sweet Sabrina has a vendetta against Ava. Will Ava's baby be in jeopardy?
Who will be the first to discover the identity of the mystery patient?
October will (hopefully) see the end to this godawful Fluke storyline. Who is the person with a grudge against Sonny and the means to transform himself into Luke Spencer in order to fool the entire town?
Tracy and Ned will be surprised when Lord Ashton returns to Port Charles.
How far will Sabrina go to punish who she feels is responsible for her baby's death? WHY have the writers chosen to turn this character into the opposite of who she was?
How much longer will Carlos spend in jail for a crime he did not commit?
When will Jordan be exposed as being on the right side of the law?
Will Nathan's true parentage be revealed? WHO could possibly be his real father?
Will Rick Lansing return?
How much closer will Patrick and Sam get before it is revealed that Jason is alive and lying in a hospital bed?
What about Robin? What evil plans does Helena have for her and others?
Will the truth about Faison cause Anna to lose her job?
Will the real Luke be found?
Will Maxie ever get her daughter back and will she ever make the right choice in a man?
What about Alexis and Julian?
General Hospital is heating up and answers to those questions and more are coming and soon!
Stay tuned...tell me in the comments what you are waiting to see and what you think about Fluke.