Last week on GH the identity of the mystery man was revealed. Jason failed in killing Franco and after those who loved him were mysteriously summoned to the Haunted Star, Franco revealed himself to all.
He attempted to apologize for his past actions and showed proof to Sam that he hadn't raped her after all. Little good this did because the damage was done.
AJ was stunned to find out about Michael's rape while in prison and he blamed Carly and Sonny for not protecting his son.
Lulu finally got her memory back after she remembered what Stavros forced her to do.
Tracy forced Luke to face his medical problems.
Editorial: Roger Howarth is a fantastic actor and if anyone call pull off the character of Franco he certainly can but one has to wonder what the "real" Franco thinks about this re-cast. Rumor has it that James Franco has quite the ego and having had creative involvement with helping to develop the character how does he feel about the re-cast?
The whole controversy with the OLTL characters who crossed over to GH has been trying for the viewers. We finally saw Michael happy and now the actress who played Starr is back as Kiki, Franco's daughter. It is not unlike when Sarah Brown who played Carly was cast as Claudia. Viewers accepted her as Claudia but it was still odd to see her interact with Sonny.
As a fan of John, Todd and Starr I miss their characters on GH. I have to admit that I've watched 3 webisodes of OLTL but honestly I just haven't had the time to commit. Prospect Park has recognized that fans are mainly catching up on All My CHildren and One Life to Live on the weekends and they have decided to cut back on the amount of episodes that they air. Is the whole idea of web soap viewing failing? I hope not. I think it just needs some tweeking.
Faithful viewing of your stories is hard when you work outside the home and have a full life. I don't want to give up watching my shows but I definitely can't watch daily.
How about you? When do you catch up?