The mob wars get dangerous thanks to Morgan setting up Molly and TJ.
TJ attempts to rescue Carlos after being pushed by Molly who has been influenced by Morgan.
TJ himself winds up as a hostage and Julian and Morgan show up.
A gun war breaks out with Morgan faced with having to shoot his own father.
Julian is disgusted when he cannot get Morgan to shoot Sonny and in a panic, Morgan shoots Max instead.
Sam and Raif are curious as to who keeps calling Silus.
Anna, Duke and Robert spend Christmas Eve with Robin and Emma.
Patrick goes to see Sabrina and tells her he has chosen to be with his family.
A crushed Sabrina faces life without Patrick.
After the shooting at the warehouse, Shawn tries to talk with TJ but he doesn't want to hear about it.
Ava is outraged that Julian has dragged Morgan into their fight.
Carlos shows up at Sabrina's needing help.
Patrick returns home to a shocked Robin.
Sonny tells Anna that he shot Max accidentally.
Anna doesn't believe Sonny.
Lulu and Dante learn more about their missing embryos.
Nikolas is being watched.
TJ struggles with what to do next.
Sonny covers for Morgan.
Sam gets suspicious.
Robin and Patrick try to move forward.
Duke continues to hide his new job from Anna.
Many people keep secrets from each other.