Steve returned from Memphis and Olivia shared her good news that Johnny would no longer be a problem. Just as they were discussing moving forward, Johnny showed up to inform Olivia that Anthony turned himself in so Johnny's "arrangement" with Steve is still on.
Dante, Lulu and Ronnie discussed the possibility of Delores' husband being the suspect. It seems to me that Ronnie was a bit too eager to pin the crimes on Delores' never-before-seen husband. Dante later confided to Lulu that he is not so sure they are on the right track. He also told Lulu that with his father's case he wants him to be not guilty and feels like he is missing something that is right in front of his face.
Delores made copies of the evidence against Sonny and sent it to Johnny. Johnny promised her that he would help her find who killed her sister in exchange for info on Sonny.
Sonny went to see Kate who was having great trouble hiding her secret side. She lied to Sonny when he asked what she was doing with Johnny.
Jason asked Carly what her involvement with Johnny was about and Carly finally told him the truth. Jason ordered Carly to go to Johnny and end it.
Carly went to Johnny but told him she was going to do what she wants especially since Jason won't listen to her about Sam.
Sam got Jason's birth records which were missing a page and then found out that Heather Webber was Susan Moore's birth coach. She called Steve to find out if he knew where she could find his mother.
Anthony pushed Johnny to destroy Sonny by using Kate. Johnny again told him no because he doesn't want to mess up what he has going on with Carly.
Alexis called Ewen to tell him about Cassandra's death. Ewen was very upset, feeling like he failed his patient. Elizabeth came to his aid and comforted him. He then asked her out on a date which she accepted.
Coming next week: Sam tracks down Heather in order to find out answers about Jason's birth. Sonny's trial begins but will Kate/Connie realize the truth about her role in the crime? Will Dante and Lulu get closer to identifying who is behind the stripper attacks? As Maxie sits in jail, what will happen next?
The war between Sonny and Johnny escalates when Carly refuses to end her relationship with John. Will Michael take sides? It was a fast-paced week on GH with a lot going on. Next week promises to bring new surprises, old characters and hopefully an end to the drawn out storyline of Kate/Connie.