50th Anniversary

50th Anniversary

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Catching Up

Maxie's wedding didn't happen and turned into a hostage situation.

Dante and Nathan worked night and day trying to find the girls and it got ugly once they did.

Nathan witnessed Dante, Maxie, Lulu and the SWAT team get gassed by Victor Cassadine and company who later took him hostage as well.

When Victor found out that Nathan was Leisel's son, he questioned who his father was.

Sam and Patrick worked to find out who put Raif up to running Patrick and family off the road.

Nina comes face to face with Ava and Ava walks away feeling shaken.

Franco senses Carly hasn't been honest but what will he do about it?

Sam and Patrick finally shared what they discovered and just when Patrick was going to tell Sam the truth about the clinic, Emma told her father about Spencer's secret.

Sam got Spencer to tell them what he knew and he told them Luke Spencer was the one who threatened Emma's life.

While in captivity, Dante hinted to Lulu that her father is a suspect in some dangerous business.

Victor demanded to know the truth about Nathan and threatened Leisel if he finds out she has lied.

Leisel realizing that Victor was holding Nathan burst into Anna's office and told her she knows where the hostages can be found.

Britt attempted to get closer to Nikolas much to Elizabeth's dismay.

Britt told Nik about confronting her mother regarding Nathan and shared with him that his uncle could be Nathan's father.


Lulu gets the shock of her life as someone from her past comes back.

Nathan finds out who his real father is.

Nikolas comes to realize how disturbed his family is.

Patrick and Sam begin to put the pieces together and Patrick realizes that he has to tell Sam the whole truth.

Nina moves forward with her plans for revenge.

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