50th Anniversary

Friday, April 18, 2014
Acting Out of Character- What ARE the Writers Thinking
What's going on with Luke?
At first I thought maybe Heather Webber was back (again) and was masquerading as Luke Spencer. I expected at any moment that she would rip off her Luke mask ala Leisle Obrecht or Caesar Faison. It didn't happen.
Meanwhile Luke has turned into a drug-snorting, mob boss (?) hell bent on seeking revenge against Sonny Corinthos who used to be one of his friends.
I don't get it. Why has Luke turned into this unflattering character?
Luke's daughter Lulu has finally realized her dream of becoming a mother and Luke could care less.
After Tracy saved him from plutonium poisoning he has not been the same man.
Why did Luke all of a sudden become intent upon revenge against Sonny? Am I missing something here? What did Sonny do to him?
When did Luke become wealthy enough to financially back the Jeromes and how did he even know that Julian Jerome was living as Derek Wells?
Oh GH. What have you done?
Messing with the character of Luke is not the only misstep the writers have been up to. What has happened to Sonny Corinthos?
We all know that Sonny is bipolar and his breakdown after his love Connie was murdered was a very dramatic time but Sonny is a mob boss for crying out loud. What is with his feelings of guilt for KILLING someone??? Isn't that what mobsters do?
I get it. Sonny doesn't usually get blood on his own hands. That's what Jason Morgan was for and now Shawn Butler.
I understand that his relationship with his son means the world to him and it upsets him greatly to have broken a promise but still, he is a mobster.
His seeking out Ava to confide in is just plain stupid. Since when does he trust this woman who in case you forgot (Sonny obviously did) is sleeping with his son Morgan?
Ava is just loving this and at the same time trying to figure out what she is going to have to do in order to save her own ass.
Softening up of a character or becoming less trusting is a normal progression according to what the character has endured but in the cases of Luke and Sonny it seems to me that both of these fan favorites might be exiting.
Maurice Bernard has been in contract talks and he is expected to be away during the summer months in order to promote a movie project he has been working on. Would they get rid of Sonny for good?
The Sonny we have been seeing of late will not be missed, that's for sure.
Anthony Geary usually takes several months off and maybe his change in character is part of the storyline that will send him off to parts unknown. I just cannot see how they can redeem his actions.
Alexis Davis has acknowledged her lack of judgement in choosing men but still she cannot resist from getting involved with Julian Jerome. The character is supposed to be this smart, independent woman but her teenage daughter Molly shows more control than she does.
Olivia kept her pregnancy from Sonny way back when because he got involved with the mob. Why did that not matter to her anymore? Years later, their son grown (and a cop) Olivia gets involved with the man who got her pregnant as a teenager? Now Sonny is a mob BOSS but that doesn't matter anymore?
Does GH have any smart women?
Ava Jerome is smart. Sure she manipulates, she's sneaky, seductive (sleeping with her own daughter's husband???) and full of secrets, at least Ava isn't fooled by a man. Ava is all about Ava.
Diane Miller is seen as a lawyer who will do anything for a buck. Diane doesn't care about anyone but Diane.
Tracy Quartermaine used to be a strong woman but she always have the vulnerability of ELQ and that was her weak spot. Plus Tracy had a need to impress daddy. Daddy is gone now and Tracy has gotten old and lonely. How else can one explain how she is getting fooled (again) by Luke Spencer?
Anna Devane finally did the right thing by getting rid of Faison. Well, at least we THINK she and Robert took it upon themselves to end the psychos rampage. Anna is a strong woman but sometimes doesn't seem to be too smart. After Robin recently took off, Anna had suspicions but did she bother to follow up on them?
It's been great to have old characters come back. GH celebrated their 50th anniversary last year and we saw the return of fan favorites like Laura, Scott, Lucy and Kevin. We also got introduced to three new characters played by three fan favorites of the now-defunct One Life to Live. After the whole Prospect Park debunkle, GH decided they wanted the actors but couldn't keep them in the roles they were playing. Port Charles saw the new characters of Silus Clay and Kiki Jerome plus the re-cast of Franco.
Keeping Roger Howarth on GH by putting him in the role of Franco was a mistake in my opinion. Franco the infamous artist/serial killer hated by most of Port Charles, especially Carly after what he did to Jason and now the two of them are a couple??? Really??? Do the writers have no respect for the fans or what?
I love Roger Howarth, I really do. He definitely can play the character well. I just cannot see the character transformation and more importantly, the acceptance of the change.
If GH is not going to re-cast Jason Morgan that's fine. Getting Sam involved with Silus has been strange. Silus started out by being an angry, very unattractive character and now he has softened and the character has done a complete 180. I do love the chemistry of these two actors together but I feel cheated by how they even are together.
The character of Kiki is nothing short of annoying. I watched the actress who plays Kiki grow up on One Life to Live. She is a very talented young woman but Kiki is just wasted space. I'm not quite sure about who she really is.
When characters evolve like Patrick Drake who turned into loving husband/father from player, it is a believable transformation. Yes, Patrick did "slip" back to his playboy days but ultimately he did fall into the role of husband to Robin and dad to Emma.
Is it boring to see characters like Elizabeth and Nikolas who pretty much stay true to who they are? Not really because they continue to make their mistakes and fall into situations.
What's next? Will Britt turn into someone that can be forgiven for her "crimes"?
When Michael finds out that Sonny killed AJ no one expects that he can easily forgive him. I predict some kind of breakdown with bad behavior (perhaps drowning in a bottle?) as the fall-out.
We will see what the writers have in store for us. I predict more twists and turns and possibly the exits of some long-time fan favorites.
So tell me peeps, how do you feel about the recent changes in your favorite characters???
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