50th Anniversary

50th Anniversary

Sunday, March 3, 2013

What Happened This Week on GH

Here is a recap of the week ending March 1st.


Steve discussed Olivia's visions with Elizabeth who warned him that they should not be taken literally.

Patrick supported Sabrina as they awaited the news about her future as a nurse.

Olivia and Sonny tried to update Kate on what she missed while Connie was in control. Kate couldn't get past Sonny sleeping with Connie and was horrified that Trey died without her getting to know her son.

John, Rafe and Lucy got closer to finding Sam.

Sam tried to reason with Caleb who attacked her trying to get her to remember being Livvy.

Anna was one step behind the trio looking for Caleb but did find out who Steven Clay/ Caleb is.

Starr went to the site of the accident to remember Cole and Hope. Michael joined her and they remembered how they fell in love. Meanwhile someone watched them from afar.


Sonny follows Kate to the scene of the accident where they talk about loss.

Steve asks Elizabeth to stand up for him at his wedding and then returns home to find Heather with a knife to Olivia. Steve jumps to save Olivia but gets stabbed in the stomach by Heather. As they await help, Heather sneaks out the door.

AJ goes to see a therapist and then thanks Elizabeth for her support.

John and Lucy search the tunnels at Windemere for Caleb and Sam while Rafe watches over Danny.

Caleb tries to get Sam to remember and while she passes out from the vampire bit he gives her, he dresses her in Livvy's wedding gown.

Steve is rushed to the hospital as a frantic Olivia tells Elizabeth that Heather made her vision come true.


AJ gives Elizabeth support as they await news on Steve's condition.

Heather is surprised by finding Rafe with Danny at Windemere.

Lucy has a visit from Allison who assures her that she can stop Caleb.

John finds Sam only to be captured by Caleb.

Duke has a plan to save ELQ.


Duke tricks Tracy and walks away with the relish.

Steve makes it through surgery.

Heather turns herself in after her conversation with Rafe.

Michael shares good news with AJ.

Lucy distracts Caleb so that John is able to free himself and save Sam.

Caleb is killed and Lucy is in disbelief.

Lucy cannot come to grips with the idea that Caleb doesn't exist and she has wasted her time believing in vampires.


Patrick celebrates with Sabrina who finds out that she is cleared of charges much to the dissatisfaction of Britt.

Frisco pushes to get Felicia back.

Tracy hires Spinelli.

AJ, Michael and Starr ask Ellie for her help.

Felicia confides in Duke.

Maxi coordinates Steve and Olivia's wedding from Steve's hospital bed.

Patrick sees Britt with Frisco and asks her why.

Sabrina comes clean with Steve and Olivia and tells them there never was a crush.

Duke faces Tracy.

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