50th Anniversary

50th Anniversary

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Coming Soon!!!

Steve Burton films his last scenes as Jason Morgan on September 25th as news breaks that the character of AJ Quartermaine will be returning.

The Quartermaine family will also be facing the death of Edward whose portrayer died recently at the age of 84.

As Jason gets closer to the truth about Sam's baby (who is actually HIS baby also) will fans get a happy ending before Jason leaves the picture?

How will the character go off into the sunset?

As a huge John McBain fan, it is fun to see him with Sam but will they really explore this relationship with Sam?

The Joe/Kate/Sonny storyline is going to cause a lot of heartache and now that Kristina and Trey's marriage is real, what will Alexis and Sonny do?

Will the wedding happen or will Connie prevent it?

The secrets between Johnny and Todd are about to be revealed but what will the fallout be?

Many people will be affected by the secrets that these two have been holding.

Starr's trust in Johnny and her father will be broken. Carly will be devastated and angry with Todd for hurting Jason. Sonny will want revenge for the damage the guilt has done to Kate. The list is endless.

What is the truth about Joe jr??? Did he really rape Kate? What other secrets does he hold?

Jason leaving Port Charles will have an impact on many as well. Elizabeth will be forced to move on with her life. Carly will lose her best friend just when she is going to need him the most and Spinelli will also feel the loss.

What is the story behind the mousy new nurse Sabrina? Does she have secrets? (of course, everyone does!) but do they have anything to do with Robin?

What about Brit who is aggressively pursuing Patrick?

Luke will be returning to Port Charles and will he and Anna be able to get over his lie?

Will Heather finally be stopped and put away? Will she escape with the baby before Sam is reunited with him?

Lots of drama to come and hopefully some closure. Stay tuned!!!

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