50th Anniversary

50th Anniversary

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

And the Father Is...

Heather almost tells Jason the truth about his birth but decides not to. She tells Steve that Jason needs to know what a hard time his mother had giving birth to him and all the stress she had worrying about how she would afford to raise him.

Steve asked her if she was holding anything else back but Heather lied and said no.

Meanwhile the jury came in and Sonny was found not guilty.

Starr reacted badly, yelling at Sonny that she knew he was responsible.

Michael comfronted Starr.

Sonny then threatened Johnny and Jason had to break them up.

Kate never got to tell Sonny what is going on with her.

Delores husband was brought in and booked on suspicion. Lulu began to have doubts about his guilt.

Ronnie seemed a bit too sure that they had the right man.

Sam opened the results with John McBain as her support. The baby is Franco's after all and Sam now knows she has to tell Jason everything.

Sonny asks Kate what she was going to tell him. Sonny knows that Jason is okay and it must be Kate who is having issues. He asks Kate directly what is going on.

Johnny and Carly discuss why Sonny did not get convicted. Carly begins to doubt that Johnny is innocent of planting the gun in Kate's office.

Jason calls Sam to tell her that Sonny is not guilty and Sam tells him that she needs to tell him something. They plan to meet at the house.

COMING: Sam comes clean with Jason who is not going to be happy about more lies. Starr decides what is next for her. Kate has to explain herself to Sonny.

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