50th Anniversary

50th Anniversary

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sabrina's Best Day Ever or Not?

Last minute complications threaten Sabrina's special day.

Felix has to stand in to give her away when Patrick's dad fails to show up.

Bobbie doesn't make it to the wedding after stopping by Luke's hotel room she finds Jerry Jax handcuffed to the bed.

Jerry cons Bobbie into helping him.

Meanwhile Luke is fooled by Faison and after a close call being held hostage with Nikolas, Anna and Robert save them from Faison.

Robert gets Robin to the mainland, convinced she is on her way to stop the wedding and reclaim her family.

Maxie tries to see her baby but Spinelli warns her that if she doesn't leave he will call the police.

Maxie is determined but then realizes that he is not going to let her see her daughter.

Jerry contacts Luke who now has to save Bobbie from the madman.

Britt is reunited with a beaten Nikolas.

Patrick and Sabrina's wedding begins as Robin arrives.

Next week: Will Robin stop the wedding?

Maxie's Pain

Robin is reunited with Anna.

As the wedding approaches, Emma worries that it won't happen.

Elizabeth goes to help Patrick and he tells her about Ava's visit.

Surrounded by her baby's gear, Maxie struggles with her loss.

Ellie fills Maxie in on her daughter.

Spinelli thanks Sam for helping him with the baby.

Brad continues to threaten Britt about revealing the baby's paternity.

Coming: Will Patrick and Sabrina's wedding happen with rumors of Robin spreading?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


After a few close calls, Faison and Obrecht are captured.

Robin is reunited with Robert and Anna.

Sabrina receives a surprise visit from her cousin Juan who brings Sabrina's mother's wedding dress.

Patrick receives a visit from Ava Jerome who tries to convince him that Robin is still alive.

Brad confronts Britt about the mysterious doctor who was in the lab and tells her that he will tell the world about who her baby's real father is if she doesn't confess the truth.

Coming: Sabrina and Patrick's wedding may not be the happiest day of Sabrina's life.

Remember!!! It is a short week on General Hospital. The last new episode of the week will be on Wednesday and then encore shows will be aired on Thanksgiving and Black Friday.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Return of Anna and Robert!

Preparations for the wedding continue as Robin argues with Faison.

Britt grows concerned over her mother's wherabouts and Nikolas promises to find her.

Sabrina is uneasy about Carlos' warning.

Mac gives Patrick his blessings.

Britt heads to the hospital to pick up the cure for Jerry.

Luke is surprised when Anna and Robert show up at his door with Jerry in tow.

Luke joins Anna and Robert in raiding Windemere in search of Robin.

Anna is thrilled when Luke tells her he has seen Robin.

Duke tries to make a deal with Obrecht.

Nikolas finds Obrecht and Duke tied up but is knocked out by Faison.

Robert finds Robin.

Anna comes across Obrecht holding a gun on Duke.

Luke finds Faison.

Patrick is visited by Ava.

Sabrina receives a surprise visitor.

Next week: General Hospital will only air 3 days next week due to the holiday and network programming. It should be an explosive 3 days though...

Surprises occur at the wedding.

Robin is reunited with her loved ones.

An end to Jerry's reign (finally) happens.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Wedding Preparations

Patrick asks Elizabeth to be his best man.

Sabrina asks Felix to be her maid of honor.

Carlos tells Ava about his discovery and she urges him to fight for Sabrina.

Diane fights Scott after he produces a video tape of AJ entering the MetroCourt.

AJ wonders if he really did kill Connie.

Robin asks Nikolas if she can really reclaim her life since Patrick has moved on.

Ava burns the missing tapes from the night Connie was murdered.

AJ's Trial Begins

As Dante, Lulu and Maxie struggle with the judge's ruling, AJ goes on trial for murdering Connie.

Lulu blames Dante for losing the baby.

Maxie is comforted by Mac and Felicia.

Diane warns Spinelli to keep Maxie away from their daughter.

Carlos tries to warn Sabrina that Robin is alive.

Felix and Sabrina prepare for her wedding.

Robin is sad that Patrick and Sabrina are getting married but feels powerless to stop it.

Nikolas assures Robin that she will get her family back.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Judge Makes a Decision!!!

Carlos tries to convince Sabrina that Patrick's wife is alive and well.

Sabrina refuses to believe Carlos.

Luke goes to Windemere to talk to Nikolas about Faison.

Robin reveals herself to Luke who tells her about the hell her parents went through after she "died".

Robin tells him how Luke is already helping to free Anna and Robert.

The judge denies Dante and Lulu's petition and Lulu runs off to claim baby Connie.

Lulu tells Tracy and Olivia that they got custody and as she is leaving with the baby Dante shows up.

Dante tells all what happened and tells Lulu that they have to give up the baby.

Maxie is horrified when the judge denies her custody and all visitation with her baby for 6 months.

Spinelli is stunned that the judge gives him custody of his daughter.

Alexis is disgusted for her part in the custody battle.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Robin is Almost Free

Diane and Alexis both try their best to sway the judge.

Dante admits that Lulu lied on the stand.

Faison gets the best of Dr. Obrecht and ties her up next to Duke.

Anna and Robert break free and Jerry convinces them that he is better off alive in order for them to find Robin.

Luke and Tracy find out from Patrick that Anna and Robert are missing and looking for Faison.

Luke shares some information with Patrick and Sabrina.

Faison catches Britt in a passionate kiss with Nikolas.

Britt is suspicious of Faison.

Robin tells Nikolas that she is very close to the cure for Jerry.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Patrick and Sabrina Plan for their Wedding

The custody battle continues to get ugly as Maxie begins to fight back. Diane brings up Lulu's abortion which sets her off.

Dante is asked to take the stand- will he lie to keep baby Connie?

Felix and Emma watch as Sabrina tries to find the perfect wedding dress.

Carlos comes to see Sabrina and is frustrated by her upcoming wedding.

Britt gets Brad to watch the lab so that Nikolas can sneak Robin into the lab to test Luke's blood.

Britt is suspicious of Faison and Obrecht who are keeping Duke captive in the catacombs.

Nikolas tells Britt how he feels about her.

Luke and Tracy celebrate his good health and Patrick is shocked at his cure.

Brad allows Ellie to join Spinelli in court only to help Britt keep Robin a secret.

Robin is faced with memories as she works on Jerry's cure.

Robin hides as Sabrina and Patrick talk about their wedding and the danger that Carlos brings into their lives. Robin is shocked to hear that Julian Jerome is alive and well.

Anna and Robert manage to break free from the lab but encounter Jerry.

Dante is uneasy over what Lulu is capable of.

Coming next week:

A decision is made in the custody battle.

Robin works harder to get her life back knowing Patrick and Sabrina's wedding is days away.

Faison and Obrecht make a decision.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Custody Battle Begins!

Sonny and Olivia wake up together with no regrets.

Tracy and Luke celebrate being back together and then wind up babysitting Connie.

Carly gives in to her passion and spends the night with Franco.

Julian gets down to business and announces his return via his newspaper.

Julian summons Scott and attempts to make him feel that he owes him something for getting the D.A. position.

Felicia supports Maxie who is terrified of losing her daughter.

Spinelli tells Ellie that he won't marry Maxie but will fight for his daughter.

Lulu tells Luke and Tracy that she will do anything to keep her daughter but Dante seems less than thrilled with the fight on their hands.

Coming: how far will Lulu go to win custody?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Sonny Exposes Julian!

After the drama Heather created ends, Sonny arrives to create his own.

Sonny first confronts Morgan who doesn't deny planting a bug in his office.

Morgan argues with Michael who accuses him of being a bad son.

Alexis tries to stop Sonny from creating a public scene but Sonny continues on.

In front of Sam, Sonny tells the room full of people that Derek Wells is really Julian Jerome.

Alexis reacts and asks him when he realized that he was Sam's father.

Julian tells Sam that he loves her and has been wanting to claim her and Danny as his family but didn't want to drag her into the drama.

Julian tries to twist the situation into his favor by revealing that he will be a dead man when he leaves the gallery because Sonny has ordered a hit on him.

Morgan runs out and Michael follows.

Michael and Morgan argue and the fight gets physical.

Carly goes after Franco and tries to convince him to not feel like he is damaged because of who his real parents are.

Franco rejects Carly's concern at first.

Kiki arrives at the docks just as Morgan knocks out Michael and he falls into the water.

Sonny is frustrated when Julian turns the tables on him.

Heather's Reveal!

Franco's return to the art world is a bust when not only does Heather announce that she is the artist but she is Franco's mother!

The stunned onlookers don't believe her at first but after Heather produces DNA results and a birth certificate, the truth about who Franco really is brings anger to many.

Scott is stunned to find out that his one-nighter a long time ago produced a son.

Carly feels sadness for Franco who is caught off-guard by Heather's revelation.

Sam feels anger at Heather for tormenting her when Jason was alive.

Scott has the police take Heather away.

Diane protects Franco from prosecution.

Max and Diane discuss their feelings for each other.

As the drama dies down from Heather's reveal, Sonny arrives at the gallery to make his own fireworks.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Franco is Back

The bug that Morgan planted in Sonny's office gives Derek an earful.

Derek gives Morgan the tape of Sonny discussing business with Lazarro and has him hand it to Scott.

Scott and Lucy listen to the tape and celebrate his victory.

Olivia confronts Morgan who tells her that things cannot be repaired with Sonny even if he wanted to.

Sam and Silus feel forced to go to Franco's show but feel it is an opportunity for Sam to learn more about Ava.

Heather is angry about Franco stealing her "art" and prepares to claim her creations.

Derek is tipped off to Sonny's plans for him and although Ava is afraid for him, Derek feels confident.

Carly questions Derek's connection to Morgan and Ava covers.

Carly is still suspicious and backs off from Derek.

Kiki confronts Morgan and begs him to stay away from Ava.

Kiki and Michael tell Sonny about Ava but Sonny doesn't tell them what he knows about Julian.

Olivia and Sonny discuss Morgan and Sonny discovers the bug in his office.

TJ has an open discussion with Shawn about what he does for Sonny.

Plans are made to ambush Derek after the gallery opening.

Heather, fueled by too much champagne, announces her presence at the art show.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Working for the Enemy

Morgan and Derek listen in on Sonny and the D.A. and find out Sonny knows who Derek is.

Sam goes to see Ava and tells her she knows who she is.

Silus tells Kiki all about her family which she goes and shares with Michael.

Michael tries to get Sonny to explain his dealings with the D.A. but Sonny insists on keeping Michael out of his business.

Sonny tells Max that Derek is Julian and tells him he will be going to the art show.

Franco readies for his premier with Diane being fully aware that his art is not his.

Heather stalks Scott who is horrified that he cannot get rid of her.

Lucy worries that Heather will ruin the election for Scott.

Carly turns down Franco again thinking that he and Diane have something going on.

Morgan gives Scott the proof to win the election thanks to Derek.

Ava warns Derek that Sam knows about her family and her ties to it.

Duke Discovers a Secret at Windemere

Dr. Obrecht in an Anna mask doesn't fool Duke but soon Faison gets control over the discovery.

Elizabeth and Britt argue about Nikolas.

Robin's spying on her family almost causes her to be unmasked.

Nikolas comforts Robin and assures her that she will get her family back.

Patrick is curious about the mysterious stranger and wonders what Nikolas is hiding.

Robin returns to Windemere unaware that an unconscious Duke is in the tunnel.

Luke and Tracy share a moment and he commits himself to her.


Robin works on getting her life back.

Luke and Tracy move forward with their lives.

Nikolas works to find out the truth about Britt.

Sabrina pushes to make her wedding dreams come true.

Sam returns to find out more about her family by confronting her "aunt".

Slowly the truth spreads about Julian Jerome.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Tricks and Treats

Derek/Julian tests Morgan's loyalty by having him plant a bug in Sonny's office.

Sonny discusses the Jerome situation with Shawn and then invites Derek to come pay him a visit.

Maxie is outraged that Lulu would call her an unfit mother and she goes to confront her.

Maxie reminds Lulu that she also knows all Lulu's secrets and if she wants to play dirty it will go both ways.

Dante discusses the custody case with Olivia and tells her that he doesn't like what they have to do to fight for the baby.

Sonny taunts Derek with naming Julian Jerome as the person who targeted his business but doesn't let on that he knows who he is.

Robin continues to feel tortured that she is so close to her family but cannot see them.

Residents prepare for Halloween and the opportunity arises for Robin to see her family.

Leslie shows up at Windemere with Spencer and is stunned to find Faison.

Nikolas tells her that she imagined seeing Faison but Leslie cannot shake what she saw.

Carly is tempted by Franco but then is wooed by Derek.

Felix gives Brad a hard time about the baby and Nikolas overhears Brad saying that the baby is not his.

Nikolas remembers hearing Faison talk to Britt about how she is not even the biological mother of baby Ben and he begins to wonder what the truth is.

Robin sneaks into the hospital party in costume and spies on her family.

Robin observes Sabrina mothering Emma.

Duke goes to Windemere where Faison and Obrecht are home alone.

When they are almost discovered, Obrecht dons her Anna disguise but is unable to fool Duke who only becomes more curious.

Robin runs out of the party but is pursued by Patrick.


Will Patrick discover who the mystery woman is?

Will Nikolas put together the lies Britt has been telling and discover the truth?