Steve returned from Memphis and Olivia shared her good news that Johnny would no longer be a problem. Just as they were discussing moving forward, Johnny showed up to inform Olivia that Anthony turned himself in so Johnny's "arrangement" with Steve is still on.
Dante, Lulu and Ronnie discussed the possibility of Delores' husband being the suspect. It seems to me that Ronnie was a bit too eager to pin the crimes on Delores' never-before-seen husband. Dante later confided to Lulu that he is not so sure they are on the right track. He also told Lulu that with his father's case he wants him to be not guilty and feels like he is missing something that is right in front of his face.
Delores made copies of the evidence against Sonny and sent it to Johnny. Johnny promised her that he would help her find who killed her sister in exchange for info on Sonny.
Sonny went to see Kate who was having great trouble hiding her secret side. She lied to Sonny when he asked what she was doing with Johnny.
Jason asked Carly what her involvement with Johnny was about and Carly finally told him the truth. Jason ordered Carly to go to Johnny and end it.
Carly went to Johnny but told him she was going to do what she wants especially since Jason won't listen to her about Sam.
Sam got Jason's birth records which were missing a page and then found out that Heather Webber was Susan Moore's birth coach. She called Steve to find out if he knew where she could find his mother.
Anthony pushed Johnny to destroy Sonny by using Kate. Johnny again told him no because he doesn't want to mess up what he has going on with Carly.
Alexis called Ewen to tell him about Cassandra's death. Ewen was very upset, feeling like he failed his patient. Elizabeth came to his aid and comforted him. He then asked her out on a date which she accepted.
Coming next week: Sam tracks down Heather in order to find out answers about Jason's birth. Sonny's trial begins but will Kate/Connie realize the truth about her role in the crime? Will Dante and Lulu get closer to identifying who is behind the stripper attacks? As Maxie sits in jail, what will happen next?
The war between Sonny and Johnny escalates when Carly refuses to end her relationship with John. Will Michael take sides? It was a fast-paced week on GH with a lot going on. Next week promises to bring new surprises, old characters and hopefully an end to the drawn out storyline of Kate/Connie.
50th Anniversary

Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Starr showed up on Michael's doorstep and even though he told his father he would stay clear of her, he felt compelled to try and help her out. He told her that he wants to find the truth out and see that justice is done, no matter what.
John McBain found Starr at Michael's and again failed at trying to get her to return home.
Kate faked being Connie to try and find out what her plans with Johnny were but Johnny who was occupied with Carly didn't take the bait. Ewen felt Kate was playing a dangerous game.
Sonny and Jason discussed the best way to stop John McBain. Jason asked Sonny to tell him what happened in Atlantic City that caused John McBain to have this vendetta against him.
Anthony agreed to lie for Maxie about what really happened the night Lisa was murdered. Alexis told Mac that Maxie is not in her right mind and she needs to be protected.
Maxie still insisted that she killed Lisa and Anthony was not involved at all.
Tracy tried to get Anthony to sign divorce papers but he refused.
Coming soon: Sam finds out the truth about Jason's birth. John finds out that messing with Sonny is putting his loved ones at risk. Mac feels powerless to help Maxie.
John McBain found Starr at Michael's and again failed at trying to get her to return home.
Kate faked being Connie to try and find out what her plans with Johnny were but Johnny who was occupied with Carly didn't take the bait. Ewen felt Kate was playing a dangerous game.
Sonny and Jason discussed the best way to stop John McBain. Jason asked Sonny to tell him what happened in Atlantic City that caused John McBain to have this vendetta against him.
Anthony agreed to lie for Maxie about what really happened the night Lisa was murdered. Alexis told Mac that Maxie is not in her right mind and she needs to be protected.
Maxie still insisted that she killed Lisa and Anthony was not involved at all.
Tracy tried to get Anthony to sign divorce papers but he refused.
Coming soon: Sam finds out the truth about Jason's birth. John finds out that messing with Sonny is putting his loved ones at risk. Mac feels powerless to help Maxie.
Married to the Mob
Tracy accuses Luke of moving in on Anna which he denies. As they argue about what Tracy saw, Anna shows up at Luke's hotel room, bags in hand.
Sonny tells Michael to lose Starr's phone number and not to have any contact with her. He tells Michael that he is sympathetic to Starr but does not want Michael to become further involved. Michael doesn't agree or disagree but just continues to seem like he questions his father's innocence.
Jason and Sam argue about Sonny's innocence and Sam admits that Sonny going to prison would make her happy. Sam accuses Jason of believing too much in Sonny when she feels that Sonny is not worthy of his trust. Sonny shows up and Sam leaves for the airport to follow through on her quest to find the truth about the dvd Franco left.
John McBain runs into Starr at the airport who is arriving to make sure there is justice for her family. John tries to push Starr into returning home to Llanview, assuring her that he will see that justice is done.
As Starr refuses and runs off, John bumps into Sam.
Anthony and Maxie talk about Maxie's plan. Maxie tries to persuade Anthony to lie for her. Anthony tries to talk sense into Maxie.
Matt and Spinelli come to blows over Maxie's breakdown as Mac and Alexis stand helplessly by.
Jason shares with Sonny how Sam slipped and told John McBain too much about their personal life. Sonny is upset when Jason tells him that Sam thinks he is guilty. Jason also tells Sonny that John McBain is a problem.
John tells Sam that he has unfinished business with Sonny and will be staying in Port Charles to see it through. Sam tells John to stay away from her husband. She tells John that it is for his own good as well as hers.
Anna agrees to move into Luke's hotel room much to Tracy's dissatisfaction.
Starr shows up at Michael's apartment.
Anthony and Maxie make a deal.
Maxie tells Mac, Alexis, Matt and Spinelli that she has been lying. She tells them she killed Lisa without any help from Anthony.
Tracy goes to see Anthony in jail and agrees to bail him out if he will sign divorce papers.
Sonny tells Michael to lose Starr's phone number and not to have any contact with her. He tells Michael that he is sympathetic to Starr but does not want Michael to become further involved. Michael doesn't agree or disagree but just continues to seem like he questions his father's innocence.
Jason and Sam argue about Sonny's innocence and Sam admits that Sonny going to prison would make her happy. Sam accuses Jason of believing too much in Sonny when she feels that Sonny is not worthy of his trust. Sonny shows up and Sam leaves for the airport to follow through on her quest to find the truth about the dvd Franco left.
John McBain runs into Starr at the airport who is arriving to make sure there is justice for her family. John tries to push Starr into returning home to Llanview, assuring her that he will see that justice is done.
As Starr refuses and runs off, John bumps into Sam.
Anthony and Maxie talk about Maxie's plan. Maxie tries to persuade Anthony to lie for her. Anthony tries to talk sense into Maxie.
Matt and Spinelli come to blows over Maxie's breakdown as Mac and Alexis stand helplessly by.
Jason shares with Sonny how Sam slipped and told John McBain too much about their personal life. Sonny is upset when Jason tells him that Sam thinks he is guilty. Jason also tells Sonny that John McBain is a problem.
John tells Sam that he has unfinished business with Sonny and will be staying in Port Charles to see it through. Sam tells John to stay away from her husband. She tells John that it is for his own good as well as hers.
Anna agrees to move into Luke's hotel room much to Tracy's dissatisfaction.
Starr shows up at Michael's apartment.
Anthony and Maxie make a deal.
Maxie tells Mac, Alexis, Matt and Spinelli that she has been lying. She tells them she killed Lisa without any help from Anthony.
Tracy goes to see Anthony in jail and agrees to bail him out if he will sign divorce papers.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Grudges, Mysteries and Madness
John McBain continued on his quest to find out the truth about the accident. He boldly confronted Sonny after catching Carly snooping in Kate's office. Carly didn't tell John that she thought Sonny was innocent but she did provide an alibi for Johnny.
Sonny ran off to find Kate and walked in on her session with Ewen where Connie had taken control. Ewen tried to get Connie to tell him about the gun found in her office and details about her "plan" to get Sonny out of Kate's life but failed.
Elizabeth shared with Anna how she has been able to live with Jake's death.
Patrick returned from leaving Robin's ashes at the site of their dream home.
Robin was seen awakening in a hospital bed, calling out for Patrick and Emma. A mysterious nurse entered the room and although Robin begged to see her husband, the nurse sedated her. She then went to a mysterious stranger and told him/her that Robin doesn't know who is behind this.
Who could it be? And WHY????
Dante, Lulu and Ronnie discussed the pictures that mysteriously disappeared from the computer and accused Delores of destroying the evidence.
Ronnie fingered Delores' husband as the attacker and set Dante and Lulu up to question whether or not Delores may be a victim of domestic violence.
I don't know about you but I suspect that Ronnie is the real suspect here. Wasn't it just a bit too convenient of him to finger Delores's husband? I mean, I can be wrong but something tells me that I am not.
After Sonny interrupted Kate/Connie's session with Ewen, she abruptly ran off saying that she had to explain things to Sonny. With so much inner turmoil I foresee Kate/Connie exploding very soon.
John McBain's quest to finally make Sonny pay seems to be a vendetta that he will lose. If Kate/Connie is really the person who shot out Anthony's tires (as I suspect) Sonny will be cleared. Will John McBain just return to Llanview or will they find a reason for him to stay in Port Charles?
As a OLTL fan I was hoping blending some of my favorite characters into Port Charles was a great way to make my favorite daytime show live on but I think many GH fans don't share my passion. What do you think? Leave me a comment about how you feel about the OLTL characters becoming a permanent fixture on GH.
Coming soon- the return of Heather Webber.
Sonny ran off to find Kate and walked in on her session with Ewen where Connie had taken control. Ewen tried to get Connie to tell him about the gun found in her office and details about her "plan" to get Sonny out of Kate's life but failed.
Elizabeth shared with Anna how she has been able to live with Jake's death.
Patrick returned from leaving Robin's ashes at the site of their dream home.
Robin was seen awakening in a hospital bed, calling out for Patrick and Emma. A mysterious nurse entered the room and although Robin begged to see her husband, the nurse sedated her. She then went to a mysterious stranger and told him/her that Robin doesn't know who is behind this.
Who could it be? And WHY????
Dante, Lulu and Ronnie discussed the pictures that mysteriously disappeared from the computer and accused Delores of destroying the evidence.
Ronnie fingered Delores' husband as the attacker and set Dante and Lulu up to question whether or not Delores may be a victim of domestic violence.
I don't know about you but I suspect that Ronnie is the real suspect here. Wasn't it just a bit too convenient of him to finger Delores's husband? I mean, I can be wrong but something tells me that I am not.
After Sonny interrupted Kate/Connie's session with Ewen, she abruptly ran off saying that she had to explain things to Sonny. With so much inner turmoil I foresee Kate/Connie exploding very soon.
John McBain's quest to finally make Sonny pay seems to be a vendetta that he will lose. If Kate/Connie is really the person who shot out Anthony's tires (as I suspect) Sonny will be cleared. Will John McBain just return to Llanview or will they find a reason for him to stay in Port Charles?
As a OLTL fan I was hoping blending some of my favorite characters into Port Charles was a great way to make my favorite daytime show live on but I think many GH fans don't share my passion. What do you think? Leave me a comment about how you feel about the OLTL characters becoming a permanent fixture on GH.
Coming soon- the return of Heather Webber.
Monday, March 26, 2012
The Drakes Get a Delivery
Emma overheard Patrick as he accepted a delivery of Robin's ashes. He then awkwardly had to explain to Emma how Robin was in the "box" but also in heaven.
Ewen admitted to Elizabeth that he was her mysterious stranger who saved her life the night of Lisa Nile's murder but said that he didn't see anything that went on.
Johnny and Sonny went back and forth with threats each digging at each other.
John McBain grilled Jason about Sonny and told him that he should stay out of his way because he was going to find justice for Cole and Hope.
Sam agreed to only go to the hospital in New York to find out what she could about the dvd Franco left and if it led nowhere she would not pursue it anymore.
Carly confronted Kate about being at Johnny's and Kate realized that she did not remember being there. When Carly left, Kate called Ewen for an emergency appointment.
Carly snuck into Kate's office to find out what she was hiding and was caught in the act by John McBain.
Dante grilled Anthony about what happened the night of the accident. Anthony insisted that Sonny was responsible but Dante did not believe that he actually saw Sonny following him. Dante threatened to lock Anthony up for shooting him and attempting to shoot him again in the Metrocourt parking garage. He and Anthony argued and Dante didn't back down even after Anthony accused him of being biased.
Patrick decided that he couldn't keep Robin's ashes in the house and decided to bring them to the property where they were to build their dream house.
Ewen hypnotized Kate telling her that she needed to allow Connie to come out so they could discover what Connie might have done.
As Patrick said the words "I don't feel like you are gone", somewhere (somehow) Robin (or someone who looks an awful lot like Robin) is on a gurney unconscious.
Knowing that Kimberly McCullough has left the show, are the writers of GH trying to leave us hanging, wondering how Robin could still be alive??
Ewen admitted to Elizabeth that he was her mysterious stranger who saved her life the night of Lisa Nile's murder but said that he didn't see anything that went on.
Johnny and Sonny went back and forth with threats each digging at each other.
John McBain grilled Jason about Sonny and told him that he should stay out of his way because he was going to find justice for Cole and Hope.
Sam agreed to only go to the hospital in New York to find out what she could about the dvd Franco left and if it led nowhere she would not pursue it anymore.
Carly confronted Kate about being at Johnny's and Kate realized that she did not remember being there. When Carly left, Kate called Ewen for an emergency appointment.
Carly snuck into Kate's office to find out what she was hiding and was caught in the act by John McBain.
Dante grilled Anthony about what happened the night of the accident. Anthony insisted that Sonny was responsible but Dante did not believe that he actually saw Sonny following him. Dante threatened to lock Anthony up for shooting him and attempting to shoot him again in the Metrocourt parking garage. He and Anthony argued and Dante didn't back down even after Anthony accused him of being biased.
Patrick decided that he couldn't keep Robin's ashes in the house and decided to bring them to the property where they were to build their dream house.
Ewen hypnotized Kate telling her that she needed to allow Connie to come out so they could discover what Connie might have done.
As Patrick said the words "I don't feel like you are gone", somewhere (somehow) Robin (or someone who looks an awful lot like Robin) is on a gurney unconscious.
Knowing that Kimberly McCullough has left the show, are the writers of GH trying to leave us hanging, wondering how Robin could still be alive??
Sunday, March 25, 2012
It was a bittersweet day as residents of Port Charles remembered little Jake who was killed one year ago. Luke, who was responsible for the hit-and-run that killed Jake, set up a foundation in Jake's name and also had Coleman change the name of the local bar from "Jake's" to the "Floating Rib" after an old haunt that he and Anna remembered.
Anna thanked Luke for helping her get through the days after Robin passed. Lulu was pleasantly surprised at how her father seemed to be making amends for Jake's death and how he was holding himself together.
Meanwhile Anthony showed up at the PCPD in order to help clear Maxie's name and possibly point the finger at Sonny for shooting out his tires and causing the accident.
John McBain continued his quest to try and find out the truth about the accident that killed Cole and Hope. He went to see Tracy and try and find out where her mobster husband was hiding out. He came prepared knowing plenty about Tracy's former mob ties and not-so-subtly warned her that he would do whatever he needed to to find the truth.
Tracy, never one to be intimidated, had Alice throw John out.
Spinelli told Jason and Sam that he hadn't found out anything else about the mysterious dvd of Jason as a newborn. He apologized for being distracted by Maxie's troubles. Jason offered to help but Spinelli told him that he would find out the truth about Maxie's claims that she was the one who killed Lisa Niles.
Sonny came to see Jason and was pleasantly surprised that Jason believed he was innocent. Jason told him that he knew Sonny would never take the life of a child and not own up to it. Sonny told Jason that he is the about the only person who does believe in him.
Sam told Jason that she could investigate the dvd that Franco left. She told him that she would find the answers that they both need to be able to put this all behind them. Jason was more interested in helping find out who is framing Sonny.
Sonny went to see Johnny and told him that enough was enough.
John McBain showed up at Jason and Sam's.
Next week:
What information will Anthony give Dante about his connection to Maxie and what did he see the night of the accident? John McBain confronts Jason but how will Jason react to his vendetta against Sonny?
What will Sam find out about Jason's birth and will she figure out why Franco was so obsessed with Jason?
As Kate/Connie continues to unravel, when will her behavior finally lead Sonny to wonder what she is capable of?
How will Patrick and Emma move on from Robin's death?
Anna thanked Luke for helping her get through the days after Robin passed. Lulu was pleasantly surprised at how her father seemed to be making amends for Jake's death and how he was holding himself together.
Meanwhile Anthony showed up at the PCPD in order to help clear Maxie's name and possibly point the finger at Sonny for shooting out his tires and causing the accident.
John McBain continued his quest to try and find out the truth about the accident that killed Cole and Hope. He went to see Tracy and try and find out where her mobster husband was hiding out. He came prepared knowing plenty about Tracy's former mob ties and not-so-subtly warned her that he would do whatever he needed to to find the truth.
Tracy, never one to be intimidated, had Alice throw John out.
Spinelli told Jason and Sam that he hadn't found out anything else about the mysterious dvd of Jason as a newborn. He apologized for being distracted by Maxie's troubles. Jason offered to help but Spinelli told him that he would find out the truth about Maxie's claims that she was the one who killed Lisa Niles.
Sonny came to see Jason and was pleasantly surprised that Jason believed he was innocent. Jason told him that he knew Sonny would never take the life of a child and not own up to it. Sonny told Jason that he is the about the only person who does believe in him.
Sam told Jason that she could investigate the dvd that Franco left. She told him that she would find the answers that they both need to be able to put this all behind them. Jason was more interested in helping find out who is framing Sonny.
Sonny went to see Johnny and told him that enough was enough.
John McBain showed up at Jason and Sam's.
Next week:
What information will Anthony give Dante about his connection to Maxie and what did he see the night of the accident? John McBain confronts Jason but how will Jason react to his vendetta against Sonny?
What will Sam find out about Jason's birth and will she figure out why Franco was so obsessed with Jason?
As Kate/Connie continues to unravel, when will her behavior finally lead Sonny to wonder what she is capable of?
How will Patrick and Emma move on from Robin's death?
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Secrets, Lies and Blackmail
Jason returned home to a relieved Sam. They argued more about Robin's death and Jason reminded Sam that it was a year ago that Jake died.
Maxie refused any help for her confession although Spinelli and Mac were convinced of her innocence.
Dante went off to find Anthony in the hopes that he could clear Maxie of Lisa's murder. When he arrived at Johnny's, he found Olivia there. Olivia told Dante that Anthony was at the Quatermaine's and he went off to find him.
Johnny asked Olivia why she lied and she told him that she would keep his secret if he would lay off of Steve.
Mac asked Alexis to defend Maxie.
Luke told Lulu the truth about why Ethan left. Lulu agreed to keep the secret but wasn't sure it was the right thing to do.
Anna apologized to Patrick and decided she would stay a while to spend time with him and Emma.
Anthony wouldn't tell Johnny anything about Maxie much to Johnny's frustration. Did Maxie really kill Lisa?
Meanwhile Spinelli went to Jason and Sam's and told Jason the dvd Franco left remains a mystery to him. He told him about Maxie and wondered what kind of hold Anthony had over her.
Alexis told Maxie that she couldn't help her unless she told her the truth. What will Maxie tell Alexis? Without Anthony to back Maxie's story up, she may have to be arrested.
Maxie refused any help for her confession although Spinelli and Mac were convinced of her innocence.
Dante went off to find Anthony in the hopes that he could clear Maxie of Lisa's murder. When he arrived at Johnny's, he found Olivia there. Olivia told Dante that Anthony was at the Quatermaine's and he went off to find him.
Johnny asked Olivia why she lied and she told him that she would keep his secret if he would lay off of Steve.
Mac asked Alexis to defend Maxie.
Luke told Lulu the truth about why Ethan left. Lulu agreed to keep the secret but wasn't sure it was the right thing to do.
Anna apologized to Patrick and decided she would stay a while to spend time with him and Emma.
Anthony wouldn't tell Johnny anything about Maxie much to Johnny's frustration. Did Maxie really kill Lisa?
Meanwhile Spinelli went to Jason and Sam's and told Jason the dvd Franco left remains a mystery to him. He told him about Maxie and wondered what kind of hold Anthony had over her.
Alexis told Maxie that she couldn't help her unless she told her the truth. What will Maxie tell Alexis? Without Anthony to back Maxie's story up, she may have to be arrested.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
What Goes Around
Elizabeth tried to help Jason accept Robin's death. Jason felt guilt knowing that Robin died saving the medicine that saved him. He feels that his life is not worthy of being saved.
Carly left Kate/Connie at Johnny's not being sure what exactly was going on but spied the same color lipstick on Kate that she found on Johnny's shirt collar.
Patrick told Noah about Anna's lashing out at him when she discovered Patrick's affair. Noah defended his son and told him that he would speak to Anna.
Anna and Luke talked about why Robin hadn't shared the hell she went through when Patrick and Lisa had their affair. Luke got her to see that Robin kept it from her in order to prevent Anna from feeling like she was right now.
Sonny asked Michael if he believed that Sonny was responsible for killing Starr's family. Michael would only say that he wants the truth to come out for Starr.
Starr vowed to make sure that Sonny pays for killing her family and communicated with Michael via text message.
John McBain and Sam talked about relationships and John assured Sam that Jason probably just needed time to accept what had happened while he was unconscious. He told Sam about his own betrayal and how he forgave the woman he loves. (Again references were made to their characters on Port Charles which would not be enjoyed by someone who didn't know these characters from Port Charles.)
Carly arrived at the hospital and ran into Michael and Sonny. She hinted to Sonny about Kate being "with" Johnny. Sonny reprimanded her for telling Jason about Robin. He accused her of not being able to mind her own business. Carly taunted him by hinting about Kate having secrets but refused to tell him anything else.
Jason and Elizabeth talked about Jake and Elizabeth shared how Jake loved to come up on the bridge also. She showed him a pocketful of pinecombs that Jake had collected and shared how he would enjoy throwing them into the water. They dropped them together and spoke of how they felt his presence. It seemed to be very healing for both of them to think of Jake and celebrate his spirit. Jason seemed to be able to accept that Robin's passing was not his fault.
As Kate/Connie continues to unwind, now Sonny is closer to finding out just what is going on. Johnny held back from taking her up on her offer, knowing that she is capable of "turning" into Kate at any time.
Carly may have caused Sam and Jason to fight but in time, Jason may be able to forgive or at least understand why Sam did what she did.
Carly left Kate/Connie at Johnny's not being sure what exactly was going on but spied the same color lipstick on Kate that she found on Johnny's shirt collar.
Patrick told Noah about Anna's lashing out at him when she discovered Patrick's affair. Noah defended his son and told him that he would speak to Anna.
Anna and Luke talked about why Robin hadn't shared the hell she went through when Patrick and Lisa had their affair. Luke got her to see that Robin kept it from her in order to prevent Anna from feeling like she was right now.
Sonny asked Michael if he believed that Sonny was responsible for killing Starr's family. Michael would only say that he wants the truth to come out for Starr.
Starr vowed to make sure that Sonny pays for killing her family and communicated with Michael via text message.
John McBain and Sam talked about relationships and John assured Sam that Jason probably just needed time to accept what had happened while he was unconscious. He told Sam about his own betrayal and how he forgave the woman he loves. (Again references were made to their characters on Port Charles which would not be enjoyed by someone who didn't know these characters from Port Charles.)
Carly arrived at the hospital and ran into Michael and Sonny. She hinted to Sonny about Kate being "with" Johnny. Sonny reprimanded her for telling Jason about Robin. He accused her of not being able to mind her own business. Carly taunted him by hinting about Kate having secrets but refused to tell him anything else.
Jason and Elizabeth talked about Jake and Elizabeth shared how Jake loved to come up on the bridge also. She showed him a pocketful of pinecombs that Jake had collected and shared how he would enjoy throwing them into the water. They dropped them together and spoke of how they felt his presence. It seemed to be very healing for both of them to think of Jake and celebrate his spirit. Jason seemed to be able to accept that Robin's passing was not his fault.
As Kate/Connie continues to unwind, now Sonny is closer to finding out just what is going on. Johnny held back from taking her up on her offer, knowing that she is capable of "turning" into Kate at any time.
Carly may have caused Sam and Jason to fight but in time, Jason may be able to forgive or at least understand why Sam did what she did.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Deja vous
John McBain came back into town to check on the investigation into Cole and Hope's deaths. His first stop was the PCPD where he grilled Dante about the investigation. He accused Dante of not being impartial. He told Dante that he knew his father from a long time back when he was FBI and he was there to make sure the prosecution had the evidence to finally convict Sonny. Dante accused him of being too emotionally involved with the case. These two will definitely be butting heads again. John then left the precinct.
How John McBain wound up at the church where Robin's funeral had taken place escapes me, but it was an interesting moments for fans of the former soap "Port Charles" of which the actors who play John McBain and Sam Morgan were once the "it" couple.
John comforted Sam who was visibly upset after Jason took off after learning that he had missed Robin's funeral. Jason angrily warned Sam to NOT follow him. Jason doesn't get angry too often but like Carly said, he hates having decisions made for him. He was also devastated over Robin's death.Sam was sitting there talking to Robin when John walked in. It was a funny moment of deja vous which the characters commented on but not all fans get the joke. As a former fan of PC, I got it.
Jason wound up on the bridge where he regretted not being able to wish Robin back. Elizabeth appeared and Jason told her what an unforgivable thing it was for Sam to keep Robin's death from him. Elizabeth tried in vain to defend Sam's decision. If anyone can explain why Sam did what she did, Elizabeth could but does she want Jason and Sam to work things out? Her intentions are just as questionable as Carly's.
Luke found Anna at Jake's where she was drowning her unhappiness over finding out about Patrick's deception. Luke asked Anna if she really was angriest with Robin, not Patrick's indiscretion. Luke knows Anna for a long time and he could be the one to repair her feelings about what she didn't know about her daughter's life.
Maxie continued to insist that she killed Lisa and eventually spilled the truth about her "deal" with Anthony Zachara. Mac brought her into PCPD to talk after realizing that Maxie wasn't going to give up her claim of being a "killer". Did Maxie really kill Lisa?
SPOILER ALERT: Felicia will be returning this spring to PC. Could it be because her daughter murdered Lisa?
Carly and Johnny tried to get close but were interrupted by Connie/Kate. Connie loudly was knocking on the door and said something about taking down Sonny which got the best of Carly's curiousity. She opened the door to find Kate/Connie and asked her what was going on. Johnny could do nothing but stand there. We all know that the first chance Carly gets she will be running to Sonny to tell him all about his crazy girlfriend.
Patrick returned home and a few minutes later his father Noah Drake arrived. He apologized for taking so long to get home but explained he had been overseas. Father and son embraced.
Sonny went to the hospital to see Jason but found him missing. He ran into Michael and had a discussion about how dangerous Todd Manning is. Michael tried to downplay his continuing grief over Abby and Sonny told him to not compare his grief to others. He warned Michael about Todd and pointed out how Todd was exploiting his daughter's grief by splashing her story on the front page of his paper.
How John McBain wound up at the church where Robin's funeral had taken place escapes me, but it was an interesting moments for fans of the former soap "Port Charles" of which the actors who play John McBain and Sam Morgan were once the "it" couple.
John comforted Sam who was visibly upset after Jason took off after learning that he had missed Robin's funeral. Jason angrily warned Sam to NOT follow him. Jason doesn't get angry too often but like Carly said, he hates having decisions made for him. He was also devastated over Robin's death.Sam was sitting there talking to Robin when John walked in. It was a funny moment of deja vous which the characters commented on but not all fans get the joke. As a former fan of PC, I got it.
Jason wound up on the bridge where he regretted not being able to wish Robin back. Elizabeth appeared and Jason told her what an unforgivable thing it was for Sam to keep Robin's death from him. Elizabeth tried in vain to defend Sam's decision. If anyone can explain why Sam did what she did, Elizabeth could but does she want Jason and Sam to work things out? Her intentions are just as questionable as Carly's.
Luke found Anna at Jake's where she was drowning her unhappiness over finding out about Patrick's deception. Luke asked Anna if she really was angriest with Robin, not Patrick's indiscretion. Luke knows Anna for a long time and he could be the one to repair her feelings about what she didn't know about her daughter's life.
Maxie continued to insist that she killed Lisa and eventually spilled the truth about her "deal" with Anthony Zachara. Mac brought her into PCPD to talk after realizing that Maxie wasn't going to give up her claim of being a "killer". Did Maxie really kill Lisa?
SPOILER ALERT: Felicia will be returning this spring to PC. Could it be because her daughter murdered Lisa?
Carly and Johnny tried to get close but were interrupted by Connie/Kate. Connie loudly was knocking on the door and said something about taking down Sonny which got the best of Carly's curiousity. She opened the door to find Kate/Connie and asked her what was going on. Johnny could do nothing but stand there. We all know that the first chance Carly gets she will be running to Sonny to tell him all about his crazy girlfriend.
Patrick returned home and a few minutes later his father Noah Drake arrived. He apologized for taking so long to get home but explained he had been overseas. Father and son embraced.
Sonny went to the hospital to see Jason but found him missing. He ran into Michael and had a discussion about how dangerous Todd Manning is. Michael tried to downplay his continuing grief over Abby and Sonny told him to not compare his grief to others. He warned Michael about Todd and pointed out how Todd was exploiting his daughter's grief by splashing her story on the front page of his paper.
Today's episode was full of breakdowns. Kate/Connie, Maxie, Jason and Sam's marriage, Patrick...
During Maxie's outburst at Robin's funeral, she mentioned how Patrick worked so hard to fix his marriage after Lisa. Mac, Spinelli and Matt brought Maxie into the hospital as she continued to demand that Mac arrest her for killing Robin.
Anna confronted Patrick about Lisa and wanted to know what Maxie was talking about. She was shocked to her what went on and ripped into Patrick telling him that he did not deserve her daughter's love. She then told Patrick that he did not deserve to raise Emma. Anna insinuated that she would be raising Emma, not Patrick.
Carly told Jason about Robin's death and made sure that he knew Sam kept him from knowing. Jason reacted angrily and went to the church for the funeral but he missed it. Sam found him in the empty church and Jason asked her why she lied to him.
Sam insisted that she did what she had to in order to save his life but he insisted that his life was not worth saving. He also told Sam that she had no business making that decision for him just as Carly had insisted he would feel. Jason may not forgive Sam for what he sees as a betrayal.
Carly who was very pleased with herself, showed up at Johnny's and when she told him what she had done, he accused her of not wanting Sam and Jason to be happy. Carly continued to defend herself and her bond with Jason.
Kate lost control and Connie came out much to Sonny's surprise. Sonny appeared confused by Connie and didn't succumb to Connie's advances. Kate regained control and threw Sonny out. I think Sonny finally realizes that Kate needs psychiatric help.
Meanwhile at the hospital Maxie confessed to killing Lisa, insisting that she was the "real" killer.
We know that Anthony made it look as if the ship's captain killed Lisa but was it really Maxie?
Did Carly succeed in breaking up Sam and Jason?
Will Anna fight Patrick to get custody of her granddaughter?
Will Sonny get Kate the help she needs and will he realize that Kate is responsible for the accident that killed Cole and Hope?
Monday started off with a bang and it should make for an interesting week.
During Maxie's outburst at Robin's funeral, she mentioned how Patrick worked so hard to fix his marriage after Lisa. Mac, Spinelli and Matt brought Maxie into the hospital as she continued to demand that Mac arrest her for killing Robin.
Anna confronted Patrick about Lisa and wanted to know what Maxie was talking about. She was shocked to her what went on and ripped into Patrick telling him that he did not deserve her daughter's love. She then told Patrick that he did not deserve to raise Emma. Anna insinuated that she would be raising Emma, not Patrick.
Carly told Jason about Robin's death and made sure that he knew Sam kept him from knowing. Jason reacted angrily and went to the church for the funeral but he missed it. Sam found him in the empty church and Jason asked her why she lied to him.
Sam insisted that she did what she had to in order to save his life but he insisted that his life was not worth saving. He also told Sam that she had no business making that decision for him just as Carly had insisted he would feel. Jason may not forgive Sam for what he sees as a betrayal.
Carly who was very pleased with herself, showed up at Johnny's and when she told him what she had done, he accused her of not wanting Sam and Jason to be happy. Carly continued to defend herself and her bond with Jason.
Kate lost control and Connie came out much to Sonny's surprise. Sonny appeared confused by Connie and didn't succumb to Connie's advances. Kate regained control and threw Sonny out. I think Sonny finally realizes that Kate needs psychiatric help.
Meanwhile at the hospital Maxie confessed to killing Lisa, insisting that she was the "real" killer.
We know that Anthony made it look as if the ship's captain killed Lisa but was it really Maxie?
Did Carly succeed in breaking up Sam and Jason?
Will Anna fight Patrick to get custody of her granddaughter?
Will Sonny get Kate the help she needs and will he realize that Kate is responsible for the accident that killed Cole and Hope?
Monday started off with a bang and it should make for an interesting week.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Jason Learns the Truth
Robin's funeral continued today as family and friends remembered how she touched their lives. Luke read a letter from Robert who was off chasing after Ethan who he believes is in trouble and his son. Sonny spoke about how he and Robin met and learned how to accept and love each other and then he left with Kate.
The remembrances of Robin were intertwined with footage of Robin from the time she was a little girl. As a long-time fan it was nice to look back at familiar characters and remember the storylines the character had been through. Robin was an amazingly open person who wasn't quick to judge anyone.
Sonny pressed Kate to tell him why she texted him. Kate couldn't remember doing that and recalled the conversation she had with Ewen about her blackouts. Kate admitted to Sonny that Ewen is a psychiatrist that she is seeing in Port Charles. Sonny continued to press Kate about why she needs help. It seems that Kate is getting close to breaking. What will Sonny do when he sees Connie emerge?
Maxie burst into Robin's funeral and started to speak about how selfish she was and confessed to killing Robin.
Sam frantically tried to keep Carly from seeing Jason but while she was off trying to stop Carly from busting into Jason's room, Carly was finally successful in doing so.
Jason knew Carly was keeping something and after much back and forth where Carly tried to accuse Sam of keeping her from him, Carly blurted out that Robin was dead.
Sam ran into Ewen who tried to make her see that perhaps her protectiveness of Jason is actually control/jealousy. Sam tried to explain that she was fearful that Jason would die. Ewen tried to get Sam to see that the danger may have passed and Sam needs to back off on being so overprotective.
Next week watch for repercussions of Sam's lie and Carly's refusal to respect Sam's wishes. How will Jason see Sam after he learns the truth about Robin?
Kate is headed for a total breakdown. She cannot contain Connie much longer.
Maxie's admission may seem like grief to many but will she reveal what she did to cause the accident?
The remembrances of Robin were intertwined with footage of Robin from the time she was a little girl. As a long-time fan it was nice to look back at familiar characters and remember the storylines the character had been through. Robin was an amazingly open person who wasn't quick to judge anyone.
Sonny pressed Kate to tell him why she texted him. Kate couldn't remember doing that and recalled the conversation she had with Ewen about her blackouts. Kate admitted to Sonny that Ewen is a psychiatrist that she is seeing in Port Charles. Sonny continued to press Kate about why she needs help. It seems that Kate is getting close to breaking. What will Sonny do when he sees Connie emerge?
Maxie burst into Robin's funeral and started to speak about how selfish she was and confessed to killing Robin.
Sam frantically tried to keep Carly from seeing Jason but while she was off trying to stop Carly from busting into Jason's room, Carly was finally successful in doing so.
Jason knew Carly was keeping something and after much back and forth where Carly tried to accuse Sam of keeping her from him, Carly blurted out that Robin was dead.
Sam ran into Ewen who tried to make her see that perhaps her protectiveness of Jason is actually control/jealousy. Sam tried to explain that she was fearful that Jason would die. Ewen tried to get Sam to see that the danger may have passed and Sam needs to back off on being so overprotective.
Next week watch for repercussions of Sam's lie and Carly's refusal to respect Sam's wishes. How will Jason see Sam after he learns the truth about Robin?
Kate is headed for a total breakdown. She cannot contain Connie much longer.
Maxie's admission may seem like grief to many but will she reveal what she did to cause the accident?
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Saying Goodbye
Robin's family and friends prepared to say goodbye to her as Maxie struggled with the fact that she caused the accident that cost Robin her life.
As Mac and Lulu arrived to accompany Maxie to the funeral, Maxie refused to go with them. She left the apartment and Mac and Lulu headed out without her.
At the church, Luke comforted Anna who regretted not being there for her daughter as she grew up.
Meanwhile Patrick struggled with facing the day. Matt and Elizabeth helped with getting Emma ready to say goodbye to her mother.
Edward despaired that yet another good, young person was gone too soon and Tracey consoled him telling him how much she needed him.
Jason woke up (finally) and was determined to thank Robin for helping to save his life. Sam told Spinelli that she is Jason's wife and she will tell Jason about Robin when she feels he is ready to handle it. It is going to have to be soon because Jason woke up with only Robin on his mind.
Prepare for a tear-jerking episode on Thursday when Port Charles says goodbye to Robin.
Once this is over we can get back to the other drama brewing in Port Charles.
As Mac and Lulu arrived to accompany Maxie to the funeral, Maxie refused to go with them. She left the apartment and Mac and Lulu headed out without her.
At the church, Luke comforted Anna who regretted not being there for her daughter as she grew up.
Meanwhile Patrick struggled with facing the day. Matt and Elizabeth helped with getting Emma ready to say goodbye to her mother.
Edward despaired that yet another good, young person was gone too soon and Tracey consoled him telling him how much she needed him.
Jason woke up (finally) and was determined to thank Robin for helping to save his life. Sam told Spinelli that she is Jason's wife and she will tell Jason about Robin when she feels he is ready to handle it. It is going to have to be soon because Jason woke up with only Robin on his mind.
Prepare for a tear-jerking episode on Thursday when Port Charles says goodbye to Robin.
Once this is over we can get back to the other drama brewing in Port Charles.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
John McBain Comes to Port Charles
As Todd holds Sonny at gunpoint, John McBain arrives just in time. John arrests Todd for jumping bail and with a few PCPD officers to help him out, warns Sonny that if he is responsible for Cole and Hope's deaths he will be back to deal with him.
Sonny and John chatted up a bit and it turns out that McBain was former FBI and knows Sonny from back when. Carly warned Todd that although he is a dangerous man himself, he might want to think twice about messing with Sonny.
Blair took Starr home and Starr forgave Michael for not saving her family.
Meanwhile "Connie" set forth her plan to have Sonny find her and Johnny in a compromising position but Sonny was tied up at the courthouse and didn't answer her text. Johnny and "Connie" started to get hot and heavy and then Kate came back and pushed Johnny away. Johnny realized that Kate/Connie ARE two different personalities and realized that he is messing with a ticking timebomb.
Anthony continued to push Johnny into getting revenge against Sonny by taking up Kate/Connie's offer and Johnny accused Anthony of trying to pimp him out the way he did Claudia.
Maxi had a little talk with Ewen who warned her that denying her grief would only cause her further pain. Maxi then broke down to Matt who arrived at the hospital with Elizabeth who thanked Maxi for clearing her name. Elizabeth told Maxi how much Robin relied on Maxi to counsel her and Maxi seemed shocked that Robin thought so highly of her advice.
Olivia went to go see Johnny after Steve told her about the blackmail. She also told Steve that she loved him. Olivia overheard Anthony talking to Tracey and now feels that she has something to blackmail Johnny with in order to free Steve.
It was another day that moved us closer to a breakdown for Kate, the truth about who shot out Anthony's tires and possibly some end to Steve and Maggie's secret. Will there finally be a memorial for Robin? Perhaps this week and also the arrival of Patrick's dad (played by Rick Springfield). I see this week ending with a tear-jerking episode as we say goodbye to the character of Robin Scorpio-Drake.
We haven't yet seen Jason since Patrick did his life-saving surgery. Who will tell him about Robin? This and more in the coming days.
General Hospital is heating up!
Sonny and John chatted up a bit and it turns out that McBain was former FBI and knows Sonny from back when. Carly warned Todd that although he is a dangerous man himself, he might want to think twice about messing with Sonny.
Blair took Starr home and Starr forgave Michael for not saving her family.
Meanwhile "Connie" set forth her plan to have Sonny find her and Johnny in a compromising position but Sonny was tied up at the courthouse and didn't answer her text. Johnny and "Connie" started to get hot and heavy and then Kate came back and pushed Johnny away. Johnny realized that Kate/Connie ARE two different personalities and realized that he is messing with a ticking timebomb.
Anthony continued to push Johnny into getting revenge against Sonny by taking up Kate/Connie's offer and Johnny accused Anthony of trying to pimp him out the way he did Claudia.
Maxi had a little talk with Ewen who warned her that denying her grief would only cause her further pain. Maxi then broke down to Matt who arrived at the hospital with Elizabeth who thanked Maxi for clearing her name. Elizabeth told Maxi how much Robin relied on Maxi to counsel her and Maxi seemed shocked that Robin thought so highly of her advice.
Olivia went to go see Johnny after Steve told her about the blackmail. She also told Steve that she loved him. Olivia overheard Anthony talking to Tracey and now feels that she has something to blackmail Johnny with in order to free Steve.
It was another day that moved us closer to a breakdown for Kate, the truth about who shot out Anthony's tires and possibly some end to Steve and Maggie's secret. Will there finally be a memorial for Robin? Perhaps this week and also the arrival of Patrick's dad (played by Rick Springfield). I see this week ending with a tear-jerking episode as we say goodbye to the character of Robin Scorpio-Drake.
We haven't yet seen Jason since Patrick did his life-saving surgery. Who will tell him about Robin? This and more in the coming days.
General Hospital is heating up!
Todd Vs. the Mob
Carly and Blair Kramer bonded over a bottle at the Metro Court as they compared their exes. It was fun to see Carly befriend someone whose past history with a man mirrors her own. Both women also share a deep love for their children and an inability to walk away from a man who is just not good for them.
Starr had it out with Michael until she realized that she and Michael had an awful lot in common. Both have fathers who do horrible things but yet they both fiercely love their dads in spite of it. These two are both in pain but mature enough to see that they are not responsible for their fathers' actions.
Meanwhile Sonny was granted bail thanks to Alexis and Todd found Sonny in the courtroom where he confronted him about being responsible for killing his granddaughter.
Dante confronted Delores about the missing pictures and Lulu watched as Delores reacted suspiciously. Dante questions why Delores would sabotage the investigation but sees how there was no one else around when the pictures vanished. Dante shares with Lulu that Delores has been to many precincts and always seems to have "problems" and gets transferred. It is a stretch but how involved is Delores in these crimes against the dancers? I suspect it has something to do with Eddie, her husband that we have never seen.
Steve finally came clean to Olivia, admitting that he and Maggie chose to save a young girl who needed a transplant by intentionally allowing a criminal to die. Olivia believed he was remorseful and didn't understand why Maggie and Steve were so concerned about being found out. Steve then told her that Johnny also knows the truth and now an investigation is focusing on him. Olivia wondered out loud why she seems to be attracted to men who are criminals. She thought Steve was different but now has found that he really isn't so different than the mobsters she has loved.
Ewen showed up at Kate's office where she explained the situation with the gun being found in her office. She asked the doctor if she could have done something horrible out of character and not remembered. Although the doctor told her that it was possible, Kate insisted that Johnny must have done it and tried to frame Sonny. She insisted that someone with her character could never have done something so horrible. It's too bad that it wasn't Kate but her alter ego Connie, who IS capable.
As Ewen was leaving, Johnny showed up at the office. Kate asked him what took him so long.
Since Ewen has helped out Dante before, is it unreasonable to think that he could point Dante in Kate's direction or would that be a disclosure of private information from a patient? Technically Kate is not Ewen's patient but she is most certainly unbalanced and ready to snap for good.
As Todd holds Sonny at gunpoint in the courtroom, Blair and Carly and then Starr and Michael burst in. Blair pleads with Todd to not do something stupid but as the screen goes dark a gunshot is heard.
Todd Manning is a twisted man who has no problem killing anyone but he has met his match in mob boss Sonny Corinthos. This may be the beginning of a new war in Port Charles.
Starr had it out with Michael until she realized that she and Michael had an awful lot in common. Both have fathers who do horrible things but yet they both fiercely love their dads in spite of it. These two are both in pain but mature enough to see that they are not responsible for their fathers' actions.
Meanwhile Sonny was granted bail thanks to Alexis and Todd found Sonny in the courtroom where he confronted him about being responsible for killing his granddaughter.
Dante confronted Delores about the missing pictures and Lulu watched as Delores reacted suspiciously. Dante questions why Delores would sabotage the investigation but sees how there was no one else around when the pictures vanished. Dante shares with Lulu that Delores has been to many precincts and always seems to have "problems" and gets transferred. It is a stretch but how involved is Delores in these crimes against the dancers? I suspect it has something to do with Eddie, her husband that we have never seen.
Steve finally came clean to Olivia, admitting that he and Maggie chose to save a young girl who needed a transplant by intentionally allowing a criminal to die. Olivia believed he was remorseful and didn't understand why Maggie and Steve were so concerned about being found out. Steve then told her that Johnny also knows the truth and now an investigation is focusing on him. Olivia wondered out loud why she seems to be attracted to men who are criminals. She thought Steve was different but now has found that he really isn't so different than the mobsters she has loved.
Ewen showed up at Kate's office where she explained the situation with the gun being found in her office. She asked the doctor if she could have done something horrible out of character and not remembered. Although the doctor told her that it was possible, Kate insisted that Johnny must have done it and tried to frame Sonny. She insisted that someone with her character could never have done something so horrible. It's too bad that it wasn't Kate but her alter ego Connie, who IS capable.
As Ewen was leaving, Johnny showed up at the office. Kate asked him what took him so long.
Since Ewen has helped out Dante before, is it unreasonable to think that he could point Dante in Kate's direction or would that be a disclosure of private information from a patient? Technically Kate is not Ewen's patient but she is most certainly unbalanced and ready to snap for good.
As Todd holds Sonny at gunpoint in the courtroom, Blair and Carly and then Starr and Michael burst in. Blair pleads with Todd to not do something stupid but as the screen goes dark a gunshot is heard.
Todd Manning is a twisted man who has no problem killing anyone but he has met his match in mob boss Sonny Corinthos. This may be the beginning of a new war in Port Charles.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
As Sonny sat in lock-up, charged with murder, Dante tried to find Kate to ask her about the gun found in her office. Meanwhile Kate was visited by Ewen who wanted to check up on her.
Kate didn't seem to remember her encounter with Ewen when she was dressed in her bloody wedding dress. Ewen pressed Kate for answers to why she had experienced blackouts and warned her that her condition would only worsen without treatment.
Dante arrived and Ewen left but Dante seemed puzzled at why the shrink was visiting her.
Kate tried to lie for Sonny, saying that he had been with her on the evening in question. She kept insisting that Sonny was not guilty of shooting out Anthony's tires. Dante told Kate he already knew his father's whereabouts that evening and if she was going to lie to him she would wind up in a cell next to Sonny.
Anthony tried to pursuade Johnny to take Connie/Kate up on her offer telling him sleeping with Connie and allowing Sonny to find out would be the perfect revenge. Johnny refused to take advantage of a sick woman and told Anthony that doing so would make him no better than Sonny.
Robert found Holly and Luke at Windemere and left with Holly to go "save" Ethan. Luke promised Robert he would look after Anna while he was gone.
Todd managed to sneak in to see Starr with Carly's help. Carly did not succeed in seeing Jason and instead got caught by Epiphany. Carly went to Johnny's to complain about being kept away from Jason.
Starr told Todd what she remembered about the accident. Todd vowed to take care of Sonny Corinthos.
Coming: Kate becomes unable to hide her dual personality. Dante and Lulu discover that the pictures Dante took of the footprints of the Dolores' attacker were purposely stolen, but by who? Port Charles gathers to say goodbye to Robin. Will Maxie come clean with her part in the "accident"?
Next week John McBain comes to Port Charles from Llanview to help Blair track down who is responsible for the deaths of Cole and Hope. Todd goes after Sonny. Will Dante and Lulu come closer to the truth about who attacked Dolores?
Kate didn't seem to remember her encounter with Ewen when she was dressed in her bloody wedding dress. Ewen pressed Kate for answers to why she had experienced blackouts and warned her that her condition would only worsen without treatment.
Dante arrived and Ewen left but Dante seemed puzzled at why the shrink was visiting her.
Kate tried to lie for Sonny, saying that he had been with her on the evening in question. She kept insisting that Sonny was not guilty of shooting out Anthony's tires. Dante told Kate he already knew his father's whereabouts that evening and if she was going to lie to him she would wind up in a cell next to Sonny.
Anthony tried to pursuade Johnny to take Connie/Kate up on her offer telling him sleeping with Connie and allowing Sonny to find out would be the perfect revenge. Johnny refused to take advantage of a sick woman and told Anthony that doing so would make him no better than Sonny.
Robert found Holly and Luke at Windemere and left with Holly to go "save" Ethan. Luke promised Robert he would look after Anna while he was gone.
Todd managed to sneak in to see Starr with Carly's help. Carly did not succeed in seeing Jason and instead got caught by Epiphany. Carly went to Johnny's to complain about being kept away from Jason.
Starr told Todd what she remembered about the accident. Todd vowed to take care of Sonny Corinthos.
Coming: Kate becomes unable to hide her dual personality. Dante and Lulu discover that the pictures Dante took of the footprints of the Dolores' attacker were purposely stolen, but by who? Port Charles gathers to say goodbye to Robin. Will Maxie come clean with her part in the "accident"?
Next week John McBain comes to Port Charles from Llanview to help Blair track down who is responsible for the deaths of Cole and Hope. Todd goes after Sonny. Will Dante and Lulu come closer to the truth about who attacked Dolores?
Todd Manning Arrives in Port Charles
This One Life to Live fan has been anxiously awaiting the arrival of Todd Manning. I have wondered where the writers were going to continue in the story that was left hanging when OLTL went off the air. My questions were answered today but first, let's talk about what else went down today in Port Charles.
Alexis arrived to help Sonny who was arrested for murder after the gun Dante found in Kate's office matched the bullets that shot out the tires on Anthony's car. Dante arrested his father for murder even though Sonny professed his innocence (Sonny ALWAYS claims innocence). I think Dante wants to believe him.
Luke's plan to talk Robert out of ending his life worked and Robert first headed to tell Anna and Mac that he was heading off to save his "son". Anna tried to stop him but Mac urged her to allow Robert to do what he needed to do.
Maxi almost confessed to Lulu her memory of causing the gas leak that caused Robin's death but then Mac showed up and she broke down in his arms. Will Maxi come clean?
Luke informed Holly and Ethan of his "plan" to save Robert and helped Ethan to leave the country. Holly seemed impressed that Luke was giving up his son to help save Robert. Ethan willingly left, broken over Cassandra's death and eager for adventure. It was a sad goodbye to a character that I had grown to love.
Blair reacted angrily to Todd's showing up at the hospital. She warned him that she would keep him away from Starr after what he did. She insisted that she would help Starr through this tragedy. She broke down when she told him about Hope and Cole and Todd seemed broken at the loss of their granddaughter.
Meanwhile Michael went to see Starr. Starr was angry that he did not save her family as he promised.
Todd wound up at the hotel and met Carly. After talking they saw a way to help each other and Carly helped Todd sneak in to see Starr while Carly planned to see Jason.
Coming soon: A funeral for Robin and the arrival of John McBain.
Alexis arrived to help Sonny who was arrested for murder after the gun Dante found in Kate's office matched the bullets that shot out the tires on Anthony's car. Dante arrested his father for murder even though Sonny professed his innocence (Sonny ALWAYS claims innocence). I think Dante wants to believe him.
Luke's plan to talk Robert out of ending his life worked and Robert first headed to tell Anna and Mac that he was heading off to save his "son". Anna tried to stop him but Mac urged her to allow Robert to do what he needed to do.
Maxi almost confessed to Lulu her memory of causing the gas leak that caused Robin's death but then Mac showed up and she broke down in his arms. Will Maxi come clean?
Luke informed Holly and Ethan of his "plan" to save Robert and helped Ethan to leave the country. Holly seemed impressed that Luke was giving up his son to help save Robert. Ethan willingly left, broken over Cassandra's death and eager for adventure. It was a sad goodbye to a character that I had grown to love.
Blair reacted angrily to Todd's showing up at the hospital. She warned him that she would keep him away from Starr after what he did. She insisted that she would help Starr through this tragedy. She broke down when she told him about Hope and Cole and Todd seemed broken at the loss of their granddaughter.
Meanwhile Michael went to see Starr. Starr was angry that he did not save her family as he promised.
Todd wound up at the hotel and met Carly. After talking they saw a way to help each other and Carly helped Todd sneak in to see Starr while Carly planned to see Jason.
Coming soon: A funeral for Robin and the arrival of John McBain.
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